Achilles Tendon

Great Lakes Foot and Ankle Institute

Podiatrists & Foot Surgeons located in Clinton Township, Chesterfield, Fort Gratiot, East China Township, Shelby Township, Rochester & Macomb, MI

Your Achilles tendon, the largest tendon in your body, runs down your calf and into your heel bone. Because you can easily injure your Achilles tendon, it’s important to visit the podiatry team at Great Lakes Foot and Ankle Institute if you experience pain and soreness in your calf. Call your nearest location to book your Achilles tendon exam. You can also request an appointment online.


Achilles Tendon Q & A

What causes Achilles tendon injuries?

Even though your Achilles tendon can withstand significant stress and absorb shock when you jump or run, this durable connective tissue can still get injured. One of the most common Achilles tendon issues stems from overuse and strain from exercise, which leads to chronic inflammation (Achilles tendinitis). You can also suffer from an Achilles tendon injury by:

  • Suddenly increasing your activity level
  • Improperly warming up before sports
  • Running on an uneven surface
  • Having a heel spur
  • Having tight calf muscles

You can even tear or rupture your Achilles tendon by landing incorrectly after jumping. If you start experiencing signs and symptoms of an Achilles tendon injury, including tendinitis, you need to seek medical intervention before your condition progresses.

The most common symptoms of an Achilles tendon injury are pain and stiffness in your calf, particularly after long periods of inactivity — like after you wake up in the morning. You might also find that your discomfort gets worse when you start exercising or becoming active throughout the day. Achilles tendon injuries can even lead to:

  • Lingering heel pain
  • Tenderness and inflammation
  • Inability to bear weight on the affected leg

Hearing (or feeling) a sudden popping at the time of your injury can indicate that you ruptured your Achilles tendon. But no matter how minor or how severe your Achilles tendon injury may be, the dedicated podiatry team at Great Lakes Foot and Ankle Institute can find an effective treatment solution.

As with most soft tissue injuries, you’re going to need to rest your leg to let your Achilles tendon heal. To help relieve discomfort and inflammation, your customized Achilles tendon treatment plan at Great Lakes Foot and Ankle Institute may include:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
  • Specialized stretching and strengthening exercises
  • Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT)
  • Physical therapy sessions
  • Cortisone injections
  • Custom orthotics

If your Achilles tendon is ruptured, if you have chronic Achilles tendinitis, or if you’re just not getting relief from conservative therapies, you might need surgery. Achilles tendon surgery involves grafting tissues, repairing your Achilles tendon, lengthening your calf muscles, or removing damaged tissues or spurs.

Because the team of expert foot and ankle surgeons at Great Lakes Foot and Ankle Institute have extensive experience with minimally invasive Achilles tendon procedures, they can help you get back into your routine, exercise regimen, and even sporting activity, with few to no limitations.

The team at Great Lakes Foot and Ankle Institute can help you recover from Achilles tendon discomfort. Book your exam online or over the phone with your nearest office.